About Us

Profile Company

We are a company engaged in the sale and supplier of dry wood boards to meet the needs of source of raw materials for furniture, architecture and other wood-based applications in Indonesia. PT. Margi Jati Makmur provides the best standard wooden planks with a different process from kiln dry process, which prevents wood from breaking or cracking.

Margi Jati Makmur (MJM)

Kawasan Sentra Industri Mebel Asmindo (SIMAS)
Jl. Raya Solo Purwodadi Km. 16 Kalijambe 57275
Sragen, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Email : info@margijatimakmur.com
Phone : ‎+62 271 2873346
Mobile : +62 821-1861-7857

Product Line : raw material timber (teak, mahogany and ect …)


Become the best company as a supplier of the highest quality wood raw material needs so as to achieve the best product quality standards for our customers and contribute to the development of the welfare of the Indonesian people, with a commitment to preserve the forest.


  • Become a provider of good quality wood/ timber from Indonesia.
  • Promote the Indonesian timber trade industry.
  • Become a timber trade distribution company with a fast time